i am not happy with my Twine becuase it is too slow and to dumb (sorry for that).
1.) Too slow:
- Is there a way to set it permanently to fast?
- Is there a way to set it to slow but to trigger a report via wlan instantly if something is happening? I want to use Twine as an alarm sensor. If vibration >68 mg (e. g. someone is opening my locker ) then send me an e-mail. At the moment a short vibration is not reported because the report intervall is too slow and a short vibration wich begins after the last report and stops before the next report is not recognized.
2.) Too dumb:
If a short trigger is needed you will not get it reported, because of the long report intervalls. Is there a way that an event is stored and reported by the next report? E.g.
Now: Report 1 (no vibration) ==> vibration starts ==> virbration stops ==> Report 2 (no vibration)
I need: Report 1 (no vibration) ==> vibration starts ==> virbration stops ==> Report 2 (vibration! because it was stored and send with the next slow report)
I hope you understand what I mean
