Have it send mail when temp = 17 degrees and one when it is 21 degrees and have gmail label or something based on that, then use the gmail channel as the if.
Try the google URL shortening service: goo.gl
But yes... longer URL and more than 1 GET variable would be a major win.
I think they said they are going to make it longer.. .something due to internal memory or something.
Charles... Read this thread: http://community.supermechanical.com/index.php?p=/discussion/318/use-http-get-to-log-your-twine-triggers
It's got some knowledge that could help you.
And this one: http://help.supermechanical.com/discussions/questions/3…
Upvoted.... Or just a service level call we can make.
This is relevant: http://help.supermechanical.com/discussions/questions/3826-using-json-values-from-httpstwinesupermechanicalcomrt
Here's a DIY article if you dont want to use notify my android: Android Push Notifications using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), PHP and MySQL
But the email feature to your secret notify my android email address should do it fine. I just dont like …
I gave up on batteries... Works great plugged in.
My batteries failed with no warning (initial firmware). AC power seems to work much better. AC from PC USB does some weird device recognition over and over (I.E. The USB connection beep happens…
Here's how I did it using IE in windows and scripting: https://github.com/YoYo-Pete/Twine/blob/master/JSON-Status/getStatus.vbs
I'm still working on the winHTTP version, but stuck and not really spending the time to work past it.
Instead going to tr…
I wonder if they want to do it all themselves so they dont have the dependency... but IFTTT works so well.
I'm looking into setting up my own android push service... Maybe I can make it viable for community use by using the HTTP GET method from the …
You can wait for the update from supermechanical. They will integrate that functionality.
You could do something like this. I have twine text me when my front door opens via the mag switch.----
Have twine send to gmail. That works well enough.
This thread: http://help.supermechanical.com/discussions/questions/3826-using-json-values-from-httpstwinesupermechanicalcomrt
There's a JSON array that shows the last update time. If it's older than X, then you have an issue as twine is not communi…
I just discovered this: http://www.androidhive.info/2012/10/android-push-notifications-using-google-cloud-messaging-gcm-php-and-mysql/
I'm going to set this up for myself (since it's free {I think} compared to 'Notify my Android' which is a real nic…
I'm sending my variable like this:
The output is:
Date Time Request String2013-01-29 23:12:29 v=YoYo-Pete.Door.Open.78.unknown
Then on my server, …
I dont know...
I make this call in my browser: http://twinelog.yoyo-pete.com?v1=A&v2=B
And it logged this: 2013-01-25 15:46:07 v1=A&v2=B
When I used the same from the Twine dashboard, it logged this:2013-01-25 15:46:50 V1=A
Each & symbol represents another variable in the string. So your GET really is like this:
Submit to: http://nimbits1.appspot.com/service//service/currentvalue
Yes... Not sure how many characters, but the form truncates it if you get too long.
And you can only have one variable. So URL?a=1&b=2 will only submit a=1. Not sure if you're running into an issue like that. I dont know how nimbits works. …
The temp will be slightly warmer than actual as the sensor on the circuit board which is encased in the twine, which is in the rubber thing. So the heat of it running causes it to read higher than the actual external temperature.
Updated it to ignore the IP stuff since it only comes from one IP.
Also, here is source (in case someone wanted to see how the php side works).
Ah... You are right. I built this at work while my twine was home. Seeing it log the IP, I assumed it was my home, but it's the twine.supermechanical server logging it.
I should change the text on my page and remove the IP stuff so it can be used…
Here's a web site I created to log your twine's GET requests and view them as a log. I created this so people can test their twine GET requests and log triggers.
By attaching a GET request to your existing trigger, you can look at the GET log on…
Use the HTTP get request to trap the trigger and log when things happen.
If I get a chance, maybe I can set up my server to listen and then log twine actions and then make it so if you key in your twine ID, you can see the log of things. I'll …
You can leverage the HTTP request method to get local notifications. The issue is you need something running to receive those notifications. If you had a local computer running a server listening for it, you could then locally take action without …
I asked support if I can programmatically query twine such as this:
This url (when using the correct ID of my twine) will return the latest cashed JSON array for my device.
Pebble channel on IFTTT.com will help with that.
I'm in the same boat. I'm going to try to create an android app to get your twine data from the JSON service. Support told me I can use the URLs programmatically but said they will change in the…
They dont really read this forum. This is the community. They are active on http://help.supermechanical.com/
I think the idea is specifics to the company go there, and we take the answers back and share with the community.
I gave up on batteries…