Hi, I am trying to use one of these temperature sensors: http://www.adafruit.com/products/381 . Will it be just as easy to hook up power, ground and IN? Thanks tgalonso
At present, the Twine input connected to the jack is restricted to an "on" signal, being somewhere above 2.5 V or so, and less than 3.3 V (there is no sensing of the actual voltage, just an "on" signal), and an "off" signal, which 0 V up to some not established threshold. There is at present no means for measuring actual temperature except for the on-Twine sensor.
Teodoro, it's extremely unlikely that it'll be supported. Because from what I'm aware of, TWINE uses it's own programming language inside. Just go with a standard temp sensor into the breakout board once linear measurements are enabled. 0.5 deg accuracy is easy enough to find, and waterproof sensors are abundant to say the least.