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Add TWINE channel to

I have a suggestion to the developers. IFTTT (if you are not aware) is a site that allows for Rule Based Processing of web enabled events(devices). They have channels that connect to services and with the channel, you can create rules the same way you can on the twine site.

The benefit of leveraging such a service is that twine would not have to develop / support the mechanisms of alerting. IFTTT handles all of that. They have true SMS alerting (even to google voice) and even autonomous phone calls where a rule can fire off a phone call to a number and a computer will talk the desired output to the recipiant. Plus it hooks into many different services and continues to grow. I'm looking forward to leveraging IFTTT with the pebble watch platform.

If TWINE created a channel to get the sensor output to IFTTT, and leverage their 'fast' triggers. You could use the IFTTT platform to 'do stuff' (such as texting or calling or whatever) in near real time. Likewise it would allow TWINE developers to focus on the device and the channel, instead of the myriad of items that come with the RBS and notification layers.

It's just my suggestion. I think IFTTT is doing a great job with their service and it would be a great enhancement to the TWINE product to have a IFTTT channel created.

Thank you for the read. Please 'Up Vote' this if you agree and would like the same.


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