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Using Google Analytics with Twine HTTP get/post

Hi, I have just taken delivery of my first Twines (and love the simplicity of setup!)

One of the things I am attempting is event recording. As an example, if I attach a Twine to a door I can use the vibration sensor to detect each time the door is opened. I want to record and subsequently visualise that data showing current and historical activity (ie: how many times was the door opened last week). I could create a web page and database that will handle all of this but it occurred to me that Google Analytics has all of this already covered. By simply issuing a GET request to a web page that I have control of I would then like to see that event appear in my Google Analytics. I tried it out but I am guessing that Google doesn't record or display the event as it regards the request from the Twine device to be a spider/bot.

Does anybody have any suggestions on whether it is possible to change this?  


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