I wish I could get the 2.0.2 update, apparently that version supports the external temperature probe. For some reason my Twine at 2.0.0 doesn't want to update.
is it me or the last change in twine pretty much broke this?
I tried it and I only got the first report... The problem seems to be with the "untriggering" logic... Since the temperature never falls below 0, it never untriggers so it never re-triggers either... I think they changed from a "reset after xxx seconds" logic to a "reset after threshold is unhold" logic...
Is there a potential workaround for this? I would really like to have an easy way to get an hourly-report of temperature, not just when it goes through a threshold...
They have no interest in supporting Twine. All of their focus went to the new products, leaving all of us original purchasers in the cold. It's now been over a year since 2.0.2 was released, with all other promised features still MIA.