Door Casing Mount/Larger Magnet Size
I picked up two Twines to monitor temperature and access to my ski condo at Copper. My lower and upper exterior doors have 3 1/2" wood casing around them; it's the type of casing that's thicker on the outside and thinner as it gets to the door. My struggle is the best way to get the motion circuit board close enough to the door to detect the magnet, or finding out how big of a magnet I need to keep from having to mount the circuit board directly on the casing itself. I wish I had it as easy as the picture on the Forum of the setup for the workplace bathroom door (no trim around the door) but I'm not so lucky. I'm planning on heading to one of the local big box stores to by a handful of larger/stronger door magnets to do trial-and-error but was hoping someone had beaten me to it...=).
Anyone have door casing mount photos or larger magnet sizes they'd like to share?