According to the website "Right out of the box, Twine has an internal temperature sensor and accelerometer for vibration and orientation detection."
The raw accelerometer output is the primary reason I backed/ordered a Twine. If I want to know if a door is being knocked on or opened or if a dryer is active or not the orientation output doesn't help much.
Ideally I want to be able to subscribe to an API endpoint that will stream accelerometer values. Is there a way to access this information today?
Any news on Vibration sensing? The comment above says 'It'll be pushed to your Twine in a few weeks' but that status was backin November and it is now almost February
The main reasons for me getting a Twine was Vibration sensing and the ability to send SMS messages to my iPhone.
Unfortunately neither of those options have bore fruit. The vibration sensing because of the delay and SMS because we were not reliably informed that there are very few providers that provide this functionality
I had high hopes for Twine and I have been left with a bitter taste in my mouth
API is a little further out, but we're working on that, too.